
Best Buy Rubbermaid 5E28 Deluxe Tool Tower Rack with Casters, Holds 40 Tools Online Store

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Rubbermaid 5E28 Deluxe Tool Tower Rack with Casters, Holds 40 Tools Features

  • Tool rack stores and organizes over 40 tools
  • Front clips for quick side access
  • Easy to assemble with no tools needed
  • 4 casters (2 locking) for easy mobility
  • Grid pattern on base keeps tools from sliding off

Rubbermaid 5E28 Deluxe Tool Tower Rack with Casters, Holds 40 Tools Overview

Rubbermaid 5E2800MICHR Deluxe Tool Tower Rubbermaid 5E2800MICHR Deluxe Tool Tower Features: Tool tower Ideal for long handled garden tools Stores up to 40 tools Front clips and new curved tubing allows for head down storage and additional stability Molded in weed trimmer and electric cord holder Castors for easy mobility Easy to assemble No tools required Will not rust, dent, rot or peel 18" x 37" x 37"

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