
Buy Three-Chest Professional-Grade Stainless Steel Portable Tool Storage System - Extending Handle - Roller Wheels Online Store

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Three-Chest Professional-Grade Stainless Steel Portable Tool Storage System - Extending Handle - Roller Wheels Features

  • Top Box And Drawer Section Are Both Detachable
  • Large Bottom Section Is Big Enough For Power Tools Or Your Tool Belt
  • This One's Really Got It All! You're Going To Love It

Three-Chest Professional-Grade Stainless Steel Portable Tool Storage System - Extending Handle - Roller Wheels Overview

Everybody wants this one! It almost looks more like an appliance than a toolbox - it's huge. Three sections feature stainless steel outer construction and hard impact plastic inner layer; reinforced drawers and bins, and a lift out tray make this toolbox almost big enough to live in. 20" x 10 1/2" x 33 1/2" high, with expanding/collapsible steel tube handle and reinforced wheels. Please note that particular item ships based on dimension and actually weighs 31lbs.
-SKU (MODEL#): MJ-17577. -Manufacturer: Hawk. -Material: Stainless Steel (Outer), ABS (Inner Frame). -Usage: Professional and Home Use.. -Package Dimension: 20 X 10.5 X 33.5.

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